Fishing Industry/Processing Experience:-
- Associated with Long Line SBT Tuna Fishing in Australia for over 40 years through involvement with the Japanese L.L. Tuna Fleet, and own L.L. vessel.
- Operated the “Halcyon 3”, 507 tonne Ultra Low Temp L.L. Tuna Vessel for over 6 years. Fishing extensively off the East, South & West Coast.
- SBT Quota holder- Lease to SBT Farmers and Long Line Vessel Operators.
- Supply SBT Feed for farms and Bait for Long Line Fleet sourced internationally and domestically.
- Owner of SBT offal recycling factory in Port Lincoln to produce Omega 3 Oil, Fertiliser and Berley Logs for recreational/professional fishermen.
- Commonwealth Small Pelagic Fishery SFRs holder.
- Holder of WTBF Boat SFRs including substantial YFT, BET & BBL SFRs.
- Holder of ETB Boat SFRs including catch SFRs.
- Coral Sea Trawl Permit owner.
- Western Skipjack Permit owner.
- Southern Squid Jig Quota holder.
- Member of ASBTIA, Tuna Australia, SSPWA and IOTA.
- Attend majority of CCSBT Commission meetings, worldwide.
Knowledge of the SBT Fishery:-
Shipping Agent of Japanese L.L. Tuna Fleet for over 40 years, gained invaluable experience through a limited knowledge of the Japanese language, and desire to learn about our Tuna Fishery.
Assist farms by recycling SBT gills & guts and mortalities into value added products.
Daily contact with a wide range of participants in the SBT Industry through matters involving Feed and the lease of SBT Quota, TTMAC matters (member).
Credibility within Industry/Processing Sector:-
Being one of the SBT Long Line Fishery’s pioneers, Terry spent many years encouraging participation in the Fishery, and has earnt the respect of all concerned with open mind and has extensive contacts in the Tuna Industry worldwide. With the current scarcity of SBT Quota, Terry is always called upon to assist those in need. He has a good relationship with others in the fishery and being one of the most experienced operators, also has the wealth of knowledge to assist with all matters concerning the Mac.
Managing Director of:-
Ship Agencies Australia Pty Ltd – Japanese L.L. Tuna Fishing vessel agent (over 40 years), owners of WTBF SFRs, ETBF SFRs, Western Limited Entry Purse Seine (Pilchard) Permits, Small Pelagic Purse Seine SFRs, Skipjack Purse Seine Permit and Southern Squid Jig and SBT Quota holder; Advisors to current operator in the WTBF Fishery operating ULT Longline Vessel.
FishTrade International Pty Ltd – Long Line Tuna bait specialists, SBT Farm Feed suppliers.
S.A.M.P.I. – SBT Offal recycling to produce high quality Organic Fertilizer and by products
Negotiated “Labour Agreement” with MUA to allow foreign fishing crews access to Australian Fishing vessels to assist with “skills transfer”. A unique arrangement with the Commonwealth/Seaman’s Union/WAFIC & NSWFIC ensuring L.L. Tuna Fishing skills are being taught to a new generation of young Australians. Assisted with negotiations for Foreign Vessel’s, Australian Port Access.
Industry Member of the SBTMAC, SQUIDRAG & TROPICAL TUNA MAC, Industry Representative to CCSBT, Australian Marine Parks South-West Advisory Committee Member, Member of ASBTIA, Director of Tuna Australia and past Secretary (for 10 years) of the WATBOA.
Terry was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2009 for his contributions to the Fishing Industry.